does anyone having strange behaviour during import from Sugar CRM ?
I have 1467 contacts to import and I got this message from ssh after doing: php bin/console mautic:integration:fetchleads --integration=Sugarcrm --limit=1000 --env=prod
The push back to suitecrm of point changes, still continues to be a problem with the plugin. However, I have a workaround where I use a Mautic webhook and Iāve coded a custom SuiteCRM API endpoint to accept the Mautic webhook and update the related contacts points in SuiteCRM. This same logic could be used to push back any changes from Mautic to SuiteCRM for fields where you want Mautic to override SuiteCRM. So for the most part, including SuiteCRM 8, it works perfectly.
I updateted an Mautic 5.1.0 to 5.1.1 and tryed to connect as @pstevens showed in youtube video.
Without an / behind the URL IĀ“ve got an 500er Error.
With the / behind the URL, no IĀ“ve got an 404 Error at SuiteCRM:
Sounds like your using the wrong connection method. You need to select the community edition of SugarCRM, there is no access token requried for this method.