Your software
My Mautic version is: mautic/mautic:5-apache **docker compose distribution
My PHP version is: 8.1.28
My Database type and version is: mySQL 8.0.40
Your problem
My problem is:
I’m running a docker-compose distribution of Mautic on an AWS EC2 served over Nginx with certbot SSL for the endpoint
I’ve embedded our tracking script in our Shopify theme ( and that is working as expected (very nicely I might add). However, embedding the script on our landing page ( is not tracking. That page is a standard html/css/js single page in an S3 bucket served over HTTPS through a Cloudfront distribution. Any ideas how I might get the tracking script working? I don’t have any CORS restrictions or domain restrictions configured at the moment, so I anticipate that Mautic should be able to accept incoming requests from anywhere. Any help or guidance would be appreciated, there aren’t any error logs to work off of here.