Trigger Populate Content at Moment of Open in RealTime

I know Moveable Ink and a few others have feature that populates on moment of open. Lots of Newsletters do this as well. Newspapers of various sort. Even seen ability to populate a special discount retarget crossed with what you may have visited in say a retail cart. It’d be unique. And great strategic tool.

Benefit is say you sell out of a product. Your event tix promoting is over, or the last minute deal is gone. The news changes of whatever you are sending. It’s raining outside when customer opens email and you decide to put umbrellas on special. Etc.

Can get much more detailed and strategic. But this has proven to be very impactful in converting an open. Not wasting an open. Etc.

I know Moveable Ink and a few others have feature that populates on moment of open. Lots of Newsletters do this as well. Newspapers of various sort. Even seen ability to populate a special discount retarget crossed with what you may have visited in say a retail cart. It’d be unique. And great strategic tool.

Benefit is say you sell out of a product. Your event tix promoting is over, or the last minute deal is gone. The news changes of whatever you are sending. It’s raining outside when customer opens email and you decide to put umbrellas on special. Etc.

Can get much more detailed and strategic. But this has proven to be very impactful in converting an open. Not wasting an open. Etc.