Hello there
I found the way to make send message template whatsapp directly to meta, without third party services and without any aditional script install.
Create a webhook in the campaing editor, create the webhook like the image, but in the template variable data put this.
{ “name”: “NAMEOFYOURTEMPLATE”, “language”: { “code”: “ES” }, “components”: [ { “type”: “body”, “parameters”: [ { “type”: “text”, “text”: “{contactfield=firstname}” } ] } ] }
This work for a template that have one variable {{1}}. Remember change “{contactfield=firstname}” with the mautic variable you want, and remember change the language to your languages: “language”: { “code”: “ES” }.
The problem its that you need to put the token autorization in all webhook inside a campaing, and remember the URL with the phone number. There is an article to create a token that work Permanent and no only for 24 hours: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2022/12/05/auth-tokens/
Also i put the international number for PERU, but if your number is with international format do not need to add the 51 in the variable inside TO: 51{contactfield=mobile}.