Unsubscribe by tag

We just put Mautic into production and learned that the standard unsubscribe button only put “DNC” on the contact itself and we have several other newsletters where contact may want to continue to receive.

We are not sure about having preference center yet instead we want to have a unsubscribe button that will remove contact from that segment only.

Currently, our contacts are added into different segment newsletter by using tags.

We are assuming that we need to find a way to create a unsubscribe link to a landing page “Sorry to see you go” etc that will execute the campaign [contact visit a page] to remove the newsletter tag from contact correct?

And on same unsubscribe landing page also include a button “Oops, I did not mean to unsubscribe” to re-add the tag back on the contact - How would we do this one? By creating an another landing page with [visit a page] campaign to add the tag back on correct?

Thank you

This has been discussed before.

The one with the Multi-Topic preference center

Also includes a responsive landing page.

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Thank you …