Unsubscribe Text using wrong domain address

Your software
My Mautic version is: 5.1.0
My PHP version is: 8.3
My Database type and version is: Mysql 8.0.40

Your problem

I have a second business that I’d like to use on my existing Mautic installation. Each business has their own domain and contact segments:

website1.com and website2.com

Mautic is installed at: mautic.website1.com

In the Mautic Configuration > Email settings, I have the email send from address set to: support@website1.com


I created a new Segment Email to send to my contacts for website2.com and in the Advanced > From Address, I set the email address to: support@website2.com

When I send a test email, the unsubscribe link ({unsubscribe_text}) is pointing to: website2.com and therefore, doesn’t work when you click it.

Segment emails where I don’t set anything in the Advanced > From Address field, the unsubscribe link DOES work since it points to website1.com

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

These errors are showing in the log:

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:

Mautic will use the Mautic Address.

Check the other URLs in your email:
image URL?
rewritten links?
tracking pixel?

You need a plugin.