Update 1.2.1 failed, mautic does not work, help

update 1.2.1 failed, mautic does not start up.

i get a 500 error.

the upgrade file says

Could not move file /vendor/willdurand/oauth-server-bundle/DependencyInjection/Security/Factory/OAuthFactory.php to production.

Could not move file /vendor/willdurand/oauth-server-bundle/Model/RequestToken.php to production.

Could not move file /vendor/willdurand/oauth-server-bundle/Resources/config/model/Consumer.orm.xml to production.

Could not move file /vendor/willdurand/oauth-server-bundle/Resources/config/model/RequestToken.orm.xml to production.

Could not move file /vendor/willdurand/oauth-server-bundle/Resources/config/orm.xml to production.

Could not move files from /vendor/willdurand/oauth-server-bundle/Service to production since the folder could not be created.

Failed to remove the upgrade directory /vendor/willdurand folder

Could not move file /vendor/autoload.php to production.

Failed to remove the upgrade directory /vendor folderCould not remove the application cache. You will need to manually delete /data/sites/web/mysite/www/EMM/app/cache/prod.pg

when i try to manually do the upgrade I get

{“complete”:false,“error”:true,“updateState”:“eyJwbHVnaW5Db21wbGV0ZSI6ZmFsc2UsImJ1bmRsZUNvbXBsZXRlIjpmYWxzZSwiY2FjaGVDb21wbGV0ZSI6ZmFsc2UsImNvcmVDb21wbGV0ZSI6ZmFsc2UsInZlbmRvckNvbXBsZXRlIjpmYWxzZX0=”,“stepStatus”:“Failed”,“message”:“Invalid task”}

update 1.2.1 failed, mautic does not start up.

i get a 500 error.

the upgrade file says

Could not move file /vendor/willdurand/oauth-server-bundle/DependencyInjection/Security/Factory/OAuthFactory.php to production.
Could not move file /vendor/willdurand/oauth-server-bundle/Model/RequestToken.php to production.
Could not move file /vendor/willdurand/oauth-server-bundle/Resources/config/model/Consumer.orm.xml to production.
Could not move file /vendor/willdurand/oauth-server-bundle/Resources/config/model/RequestToken.orm.xml to production.
Could not move file /vendor/willdurand/oauth-server-bundle/Resources/config/orm.xml to production.
Could not move files from /vendor/willdurand/oauth-server-bundle/Service to production since the folder could not be created.
Failed to remove the upgrade directory /vendor/willdurand folder
Could not move file /vendor/autoload.php to production.
Failed to remove the upgrade directory /vendor folderCould not remove the application cache. You will need to manually delete /data/sites/web/mysite/www/EMM/app/cache/prod.pg

when i try to manually do the upgrade I get

{“complete”:false,“error”:true,“updateState”:“eyJwbHVnaW5Db21wbGV0ZSI6ZmFsc2UsImJ1bmRsZUNvbXBsZXRlIjpmYWxzZSwiY2FjaGVDb21wbGV0ZSI6ZmFsc2UsImNvcmVDb21wbGV0ZSI6ZmFsc2UsInZlbmRvckNvbXBsZXRlIjpmYWxzZX0=”,“stepStatus”:“Failed”,“message”:“Invalid task”}

Check the file permissions. It seems that Mautic doesn’t have rights to move and delete those files. After that, check http://johnlinhart.com/blog/uh-oh-mautic-upgrade-was-not-successful

thank you, i went back to 1.2.0 and it works again

That’s not good. Latest versions adds new features and fixes a bunch of bugs. It’d be better for you to fix the problem.