Upgrade Hung: Moving Package Contents

I’ve got 3 different Mautic installations. Two on VPS at Linode running Debian 9 and on on a dedicated server running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Both are LEMP installations. All 3 sites hang on ‘Moving Package Contents.’ Mautic logs reports nothing. Nginx site log reports nothing.

Any ideas on what to do? Why does the in app update fail most of the time? It’s rare nowadays that I ever get it to go to the latest version without problems.

I’ve got 3 different Mautic installations. Two on VPS at Linode running Debian 9 and on on a dedicated server running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Both are LEMP installations. All 3 sites hang on ‘Moving Package Contents.’ Mautic logs reports nothing. Nginx site log reports nothing.

Any ideas on what to do? Why does the in app update fail most of the time? It’s rare nowadays that I ever get it to go to the latest version without problems.

Not sure why you’re having problems with in-app upgrade failing most of the time - this is the first upgrade that I’ve had issues with on 11 installations. That said, this does seem to be a common issue with the upgrade to 2.12.0.

The most effective remedy seems to be to login to the server using SSH, cd to the Mautic root directory, and run the following commands:

php app/console cache:clear php app/console mautic:update:find php app/console mautic:update:apply (Follow the prompts) php app/console cache:warmup

Hope that helps


Thank you so much. So I can upgrade with this process all of the time as opposed to in the app?

@theatereleven updated successfully ?

@theatereleven Yes, you can use that every time (unless Mautic changes some of the CLI options).

Much appreciated.

@funnyprinter have you upgraded succesfully/. or still you are facing problem to upgrade.

I can confirm that AccentDM’s suggestion allowed me to upgrade my Mautic installation to version 2.12.0.

However when I executed command:
php console cache:warmup

I received the following error:

  Duplicate definition of column 'id' on entity 'Mautic\CoreBundle\Entity\MessageQueue' in a field  
   or discriminator column mapping.  

I can still access and login though. Not sure what the impact of the last command is.

How you are trying to Update? YOU HAVe Ftp?

Mautic on Windows -
I can confirm that, with the following changes, the AccentDM changes work both on Windows and on Debian (thanks AccentDM)

On Windows, the further “issue” is that the temporary download filename is constructed from the basename of the URL from which the upgrade is fetched. This includes the URL query portion, but the question mark marker for the query portion of the URL is not a valid character in Windows filenames. To “resolve” this, I had to update (in V2.9 - line numbers quoted are in 2.12 & 2.9 - i.e. V2.12 still has the same problem - HINT)

  • app/bundles/CoreBundle/Helper/UpdateHelper.php line 72 (in v2.12 & 2.9)
  • app/bundles/CoreBundle/Command/ApplyUpdatesCommand.php - line 132 (in v2.12 & 2.9)
  • app/bundles/CoreBundle/Controller/AjaxController.php - line 418 (in v2.12 & 2.9)

The change is to make …basename($variable)… to …strtr(basename($variable),’?’,’_’)… which simple “translates” invalid Windows filename characters to (in this case) _. Yes, nothing very clever, but essential nonetheless.

Hope this helps someone. And I hope the Devs update the upgrade process to avoid this in future.

Nice to know the changes needed for Windows, thanks Mark.