Use contactfields in text messages

My idea is:
Being able to use contact fields in sms messages. Does not have to be autocomplete just if contact fields would be replaced with theor value before sending

I think these groups of people would benefit from this idea:
Everyone sending sms

Why I think they would benefit from this idea:
To personalize messages would create more conversions

Any code or resources to support this idea:
No but if someone sould point me to where it would be implemwnted I can probably do it.

Are you willing to work on this idea?:

What skills and resources do you need to explore this further?
Probably an easy task

I tested it and this feature is included since M 2.12 for sure.


I got desired results.

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Oh that was a good surprise. I just found messages from people who wrote it did not work so I assumed it did not.
Thanks for clearing this up
Kind regards

Hey @jensolsson

You can also have a fallback if you do not have the contactfield value, so for example {contactfield=firstname} could be replaced with pipe value like this {contactfield=firstname|Subscriber}




Thought you had vacation @mikew :slight_smile: