What is the best email provider for mautic to send 250k emails monthly

We have a few different business lines
All of which currently do not cross sell.
We would like to start small but slowly over time increase that volume.
This will require a reliable email delivery provider as well as a provider that can support multiple domains under one account for delivery. ex: a@a.com as well as b@b.com

Are there any recommended providers from the team or the community that I should look at first?


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mauticsmit for that volume, you may want to try Labnify Ultimate plan which is designed to handle large volumes of emails. As far as I know they offer both SMTP and API integrations. This means you can choose the method that works best for your workflow. If you’re already using Mautic, you’ll appreciate how easy it is to integrate the SMTP with your existing setup. Though you should contact their live chat for more clarification.

Aside that, I use Amazon SES which is great for most of our transactional email as we are a B2B. So the thing here is to combine both and run marketing email campaign with Labnify though e sometimes use Lab for transactional emails too.

But what really sets Labnify apart is their customer support which I find knowledgeable so I had no issues with integrations. Just ensure that your hosting server provider or application host has the SMTP ports you would need opened on the server. Spent about 2 hours on that scratching my head until I realized. And sht little things like that can make me go crazy.

These days I use the API with my custom tool on Linux server and just run my projects in PHP.

Clearly Amazon SES, I’d say.


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