Ability to add multiple SMTP providers

Currently Mautic only allows connection to one SMTP at a time. I need the ability to add multiple SMTP providers, and have the ability to pick which SMTP provider we want to use per email. This way we can have Email #1 send via SMTP #1 and Email #2 send via SMTP #2 simultaneously.

I’m willing to pay for this feature/plugin.


I am also interested in this. There is a previous plugin, that did something similar:

I’ll chip in if needed.


Also interested; also willing to chip in.

In my case, I would like a sender configuration per type of mailing Transactional vs Marketing.

I had mentioned this previously and apparently it’s in the roadmap?:

Any updates on this one?

This is already released:

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Thank you for sharing this @joeyk

Good, but little pricey for small one man operations.

It’s relative. The plugin integrates with Multi Domain Plugin and as well, it is a pretty powerful. You can run a multi domain environment with multiple smtps. Beofre you needed to have multiple Mautics, and this plugin saves you from all that. It’s def. for people who make moey with Mautic.

The plugin is nieche, very few companies need it, but for those who do can be a game changer. It’s worth the investment.

I just looked at Sopify. A simple plugin that allows you to import a CSV coupon codes costs 240 / year. In Wordpress most plugins start at 19/month, which is also 240/year.

Btw. I help to test the plugin (for weeks) and I have no affiliation.

I’m new to this community. Thank you for this open-source project. I believe the Multi-SMTP feature is one of the most important features. Most providers use different usernames and passwords for domains, so this feature is really necessary. This issue has been pending for almost three years. I checked @joeyk’s answer, but unfortunately, the suggested plugin is not compatible with the latest version (v5.2). Our project is waiting for this upgrade process. I think it shouldn’t be part of a plugin; it should be built into the core development.

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Hello @selim17 ,
Welcome to the community. Interesting that you say it’s one of the most important features. What do you mean by pending? Why do you think it should be core? What is your use case?

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Hi @joeyk,
Thank you for your message :slight_smile:

I’m not sure how all marketing guys are doing it, but I think most of them should use different domain addresses for their mass mailing campaigns. I don’t think they’re using only one domain for sending emails.

In this scenario, if you want to use Amazon SES, it’s not really an issue because they use a Master SMTP. You can use just one SMTP for all domains. However, if you want to use, let’s say, Postmark, they provide different usernames and passwords for each domain. We face issues in this case.

Also, let’s assume that people should be able to send emails using different SMTP providers. For my requirements, I’ve checked other apps as well. Listmonk doesn’t have many features compared to Mautic, but it does have a Multi-SMTP feature.

I also noticed that there are some plugins for these requirements, but most of them are either specific to certain SMTP providers or not updated.

Best Regards,

Hello, you can use as many domain as you want - check the MultiDomain Plugin on Guthub (maintained by me) for this purpose. This plugin manages rewriting your path in your emails, headers efficiently masking the right sender.

You don’t need multi SMTP for sending via different domains via Amazon SES. The same API key can send via different domains. Anything you verify.

The Multi SMTP Plugin is for the reason if you for example would like to use 2 different senders: one for mass email, the other one for personal outreach.

In that case you could send mass email via SES, but personal emails would be sent via Gmail for example.

+1 for this feature.
Ideally I might want to send out separate newsletters from separate segments and use different smtp providers for those.

usecase a: im managing mailings for different small sites/client - and I want them to be sent from physically separate smtp servers. Because some client might be paying for bluehost smtp for example and another for mxroute smtp.

usecase b: combining free tiers from different companies. send 500 from mailchip, then 1000 from sendgrid then 100 from mailgun.

as of right now. I think I just have to setup mautic instance separately for each domain. and Im seeing others have this problem as well: One Mautic installation for multiple domains?

This feature already exist:

I don’t mind paying in theory. but gotta be honest - this is a steep price at least for my personal non-enterprise usecase. At least for me and at least for a single feature.

if I would to use it for enterprise work work - “no problems”. But for personal small usecases - 199$ per domain is “hmm. yes, problems”. Also i’m sure you would understand - for a tool that is presented as “open source” this comes across in a certain way.

also I’m using v5.2.1 and this plugin is still on 4. And given that it’s been almost a year since v5 release - update schedule seems to be somewhat lagging.

Would you consider following changes:
a) free use for non-monetized sites or open source projects.
b) some free tier for those sending less than certain number of emails a month?
c) ability to install and test before purchase

I also have a question: What project can’t allow $1 for 10.000 emails ?
That is how much Amazon SES costs.

Otherwise you can also use Mailwizz, you pay around $80 for a licence and you get your free tier exploiting multi SMTP tool.

ses costs are not a problem for me specifically.

but for some people and usecases using aws could be a problem, not because of price, no.

a) AWS could simply not approve their usecase and not let them move out of sandbox.
b) you don’t like aws for other reasons
c) you are fine with aws - but have no credit card.
d) Or some people just prefer to selfhost an email server, - there are selfhoster community people like that, that don’t want to touch aws for personal use-cases.
I would imagine - there would have been no mailgrid, mailjet, sengrid or other providers if everyone just used aws ses
e) your company might have smtp server already then just why use ses?
f) one could merely want to try and test things using different smtp servers.

im working on building a plugin for wordpress which simplifies sending out new post notifications from wordpress using mautic. And it’s using mautic api, - which is why im not looking into other tools. interested in mautic specifically - specifically because open source. multiple smtp “because of free tier” was just an example, - it’s not something im looking into (even though - im not seeing a problem in this paradigm if this does not violate provider TOS).

I also have a question: What project can’t allow $1 for 10.000 emails ?

@joeyk am I not allowed to be poor? :laughing: