Where are 'Do Not Contact' and Bounce stored in the db


Can some one please tell me where the ‘Do Not Contact’ and Bounce are stored in the db, i’m trying to clean my list.



Can some one please tell me where the ‘Do Not Contact’ and Bounce are stored in the db, i’m trying to clean my list.


Found it my self - leads_donotcontact db

leads_donotcontact dont have the email address so you have to get the email from the leads db

Mysql -> PHPMyAdmin
SELECT lead_donotcontact., leads. FROM lead_donotcontact, leads WHERE lead_donotcontact.lead_id = leads.id

This will get you the result you need, you only need to export it to a CSV file and clean it up.
Import the CSV into a new segment (list) called Unsubscribe