Where is the main admin owner of Mautic CRM mailing address option

Your problem
My problem is:

I’m trying to find the mailing address option of my Mautic CRM as an owner for CAN-SPAM compliance:

Disclose your location – Emails should include the valid postal address of the sender.

I can’t find the place in Mautic to enter it and not remembering entering it during installation?


Under settings - configuration - email settings you can set the email address to send email from.

U can also adjust who the email is sent from by toggling the mailer is owner slider and also setting the from address for each email. Then it will send an email from the user who owns the record. You can also set who the email will come from at an individual email level under the advanced tab.

Simple: The postal address has to be part of the email content, has nothing to do with Mautic configuration.

Thanks for the message Rob,

I meant the postal mailing address, every other CRM I worked with Infusionsoft, Active Campaign, etc. they all have a place to write the owner-sender physical mailing address !


Thanks for the message,

You mean when I create emails I enter the physical mailing address at the bottom ? I worked with many other CRM and they all have the admin-owner of account physical mailing address !
