Adding Assets Causes Error 500


I believe, I somehow broke my asset view.

I tried to upload a text document but there was an error message (I can’t remember the wording but it was generic). After that I navigated to another part of the application. Now that I wanted to try it again, I click New in the Manage Assets screen and all what happens is an application-internal error 500.

I had an almost similar issue yesterday (I mistyped an is: filter which caused a 500 from this time on), in this case deleting all cookies and cache files helped - unfortunately not in this case.

Any Ideas?



I believe, I somehow broke my asset view.

I tried to upload a text document but there was an error message (I can’t remember the wording but it was generic). After that I navigated to another part of the application. Now that I wanted to try it again, I click New in the Manage Assets screen and all what happens is an application-internal error 500.

I had an almost similar issue yesterday (I mistyped an is: filter which caused a 500 from this time on), in this case deleting all cookies and cache files helped - unfortunately not in this case.

Any Ideas?


His is what the debug mode says:

[code] RuntimeException

/var/www/html/mautic2/app/bundles/CoreBundle/Helper/EncryptionHelper.php (line #31):
/var/www/html/mautic2/app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php (line #4717): at MauticCoreBundleHelperEncryptionHelper -> __construct ( object(MauticFactory) )
/var/www/html/mautic2/app/bootstrap.php.cache (line #2083): at appDevDebugProjectContainer -> getMautic_Helper_EncryptionService ( )
/var/www/html/mautic2/app/bundles/CoreBundle/Factory/MauticFactory.php (line #661): at SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionContainer -> get ( ‘mautic.helper.encryption’ )
/var/www/html/mautic2/app/bundles/AddonBundle/Integration/AbstractIntegration.php (line #276): at MauticCoreBundleFactoryMauticFactory -> getHelper ( ‘encryption’ )
/var/www/html/mautic2/app/bundles/AddonBundle/Integration/AbstractIntegration.php (line #239): at MauticAddonBundleIntegrationAbstractIntegration -> decryptApiKeys ( array() )
/var/www/html/mautic2/app/bundles/AddonBundle/Integration/AbstractIntegration.php (line #139): at MauticAddonBundleIntegrationAbstractIntegration -> getDecryptedApiKeys ( )
/var/www/html/mautic2/app/bundles/AddonBundle/Helper/IntegrationHelper.php (line #104): at MauticAddonBundleIntegrationAbstractIntegration -> setIntegrationSettings ( object(Integration) )
/var/www/html/mautic2/app/bundles/AssetBundle/Controller/AssetController.php (line #356): at MauticAddonBundleHelperIntegrationHelper -> getIntegrationObjects ( null, array(‘cloud_storage’) )
/var/www/html/mautic2/app/bundles/CoreBundle/Controller/CommonController.php (line #303): at MauticAssetBundleControllerAssetController -> newAction ( ‘0’, ‘’ )
at MauticCoreBundleControllerCommonController -> executeAction ( ‘new’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘’ )
/var/www/html/mautic2/app/bootstrap.php.cache (line #3001): at call_user_func_array ( array(object(AssetController), ‘executeAction’), array(‘new’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘’) )
/var/www/html/mautic2/app/bootstrap.php.cache (line #2963): at SymfonyComponentHttpKernelHttpKernel -> handleRaw ( object(Request), ‘1’ )
/var/www/html/mautic2/app/bootstrap.php.cache (line #3112): at SymfonyComponentHttpKernelHttpKernel -> handle ( object(Request), ‘1’, true )
/var/www/html/mautic2/app/bootstrap.php.cache (line #2361): at SymfonyComponentHttpKernelDependencyInjectionContainerAwareHttpKernel -> handle ( object(Request), ‘1’, true )
/var/www/html/mautic2/app/AppKernel.php (line #115): at SymfonyComponentHttpKernelKernel -> handle ( object(Request), ‘1’, true )
/var/www/html/mautic2/index_dev.php (line #38): at AppKernel -> handle ( object(Request) )[/code]

So that exception is due to missing mcrypt:

if (!extension_loaded('mcrypt')) { throw new RuntimeException($factory->getTranslator()->trans('')); }

Can you ask your host to enable and install Mcrypt for php?


I have the same problem, I’ve already verified if Mcrypt is enabled and it’s ok!

Can you help me to solve this problem?

Hi Ivo

Could you start a new thread and post your error logs? Thanks!