Bounce management not working correctly

The bounce management is not working correctly.

Example A: Domain does not exist, = Contact is NOT tagged as bounced :(

Example B: Domain exists, however the email does NOT exist, = contact is Tagged as bounced :)

I’m trying to get the bounce Tag to work for emails that do NOT exists (bounces), because it hurts your email reputation resulting in your emails going to spam.

My settings:

  • self hosted mautic

  • VPS, WHM/Cpanel, workpress site with mautic tacking pixel

  • set up all cronjobs here: (except the Cleanup Old Data cron).

    I don’t know how to test cronjobs but for some reason php and php-cli did not seem to work. However after changing it to /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/php it started working. I have no idea what the difference is (I just copied one of Adam Preiser videos on youtube).

    Not sure if this is important so I thought I’d mention it.

  • I’m using sparkpost as SMTP and also the sending domain is verified.

  • Followed the instructions here (for sparkpost): including adding the webhook to sparkpost

    I have the configuration > Monitored Inbox Settings and folder to monitor “inbox” set up.


    1.) I do not have any webhooks set up in the Mautic > setting > webhooks. Do I need to set this up?

    if so which webhook events do I need to select and what is a Webhook POST Url?

    2.) If the Domain does not exist (like in Example A above) should mautic be able to tag it as bounced?

    Let me know If you have any ideas on how to fix the bounce tagging

The bounce management is not working correctly.

Example A: Domain does not exist, = Contact is NOT tagged as bounced :frowning:
Example B: Domain exists, however the email does NOT exist, = contact is Tagged as bounced :slight_smile:

I’m trying to get the bounce Tag to work for emails that do NOT exists (bounces), because it hurts your email reputation resulting in your emails going to spam.

My settings:

I have the configuration > Monitored Inbox Settings and folder to monitor “inbox” set up.


1.) I do not have any webhooks set up in the Mautic > setting > webhooks. Do I need to set this up?
if so which webhook events do I need to select and what is a Webhook POST Url?

2.) If the Domain does not exist (like in Example A above) should mautic be able to tag it as bounced?

Let me know If you have any ideas on how to fix the bounce tagging

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Yes, I’ve done the sparkpost setup.

Thanks you for letting me know about not needing a monitored inbox.

I’ve done the 1 - 8 steps (including verifying my sending domain).

The problem is that it does not work when using a fake domain like (it does however work with a real domain like

I’m using a self hosted mautic, but I signed up to the cloud version of mautic just to test this out and the cloud mautic has the same problem.

Thanks for your help MxyzptlkFishStix

Any more ideas on how to fix this?

OK thanks MxyzptlkFishStix