Built-in Templates not showing in Landing Pages or Email creation with GrapeJS enabled

Your software
My Mautic version is: 4.0.1
My PHP version is: 7.4.23 (1024MB RAM Allocated to PHP)
My Database type and version is: 10.4.21-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Your problem
My problem is: Built-in templates are not showing in the landing page or email creation areas when GrapeJS is enabled. When turning it off GrapeJS in Plug-ins, the templates come back.

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:

  1. Clicked on Landing Pages
  2. Clicked New
  3. Only the Blank Template is available.
  4. Turn off GrapeJS
  5. Check again, templates show up.

Hi there,

Please read the documentation:

To use the old themes you just need to add a single line to the configuration file.

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Thanks, that worked and now I understand GrapeJS after watching a video on it. Everything makes sense now.

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Thank you so much, I was on this “issue” for days, even hired someone thru fiverr (with no luck), but this worked like a charm A++ Thanks a lot!

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It is not clear in documentation which line to add. I am using Mautic version 4 and i can’t see any landing pages templates. what is the line that needs to be added to the enable templates.