Campaign Workflow in 1.2.0

I’m out of ideas. Sorry. Maybe someone else will have some idea to help you get going. If you only want to test Mautic, I’d suggest to use service where you don’t have to deal with server issues.

I really want use Mautic. I’m just testing the server. Do you recommend hosting server which WHM panel access?

Hola @Sokoban you have try download and install a fresh Mautic version?? i Suggest download from Mautic Website.

About WHMS/Cpanel i have “running” my Mautic 1.2.0 in a Share hosting with Cpanel the only limitation that i have is the CRON Time the lowes time i can set is 30 minutes for a CRON Job. But as i said right now is “Working”

@ninjoan , I’m running 1.2.0 version on a shared hosting but I can set Cron Jobs to act instantly.

Can or Cant? spanish or english?

Yes, I can set instant Cron Job response.

your CRON Job are running each minute???


Dude no way… on a shared server running cron jobs with 1 minute time what hosting provider are you using

I’m testing US$1.00/m plan just for hosting Mautic.

@Sokoban you fix the problem adove about the commands.php file? regarding about

Failed to start the session because headers have already been sent by "/home/myuser/public_html/commands.php" at line 48.

No, @ninjoan .

@Sokoban mate try this

@ninjoan , thanks a lot for fixing the script!
@escopecz , now I can tell what’s happening…

When I hit campaign update:
[i]Warning: syntax error, unexpected ‘(’ in /home/myuser/public_html/translations/pt_BR/CampaignBundle/messages.ini on line 40 in /home/myuser/public_html/app/bundles/CoreBundle/Loader/TranslationLoader.php on line 105

Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to SymfonyComponentTranslationLoaderArrayLoader::flatten() must be of the type array, boolean given, called in /home/myuser/public_html/vendor/symfony/translation/Symfony/Component/Translation/Loader/ArrayLoader.php on line 32 and defined in /home/myuser/public_html/vendor/symfony/translation/Symfony/Component/Translation/Loader/ArrayLoader.php on line 53[/i]

I’ve changed default language to US and deleted cache content folder but error remains.

Delete pt_BR folder from translations and try again. If that’ll work, look at and try to find that bad string containing unexpected ‘(’ and fix your language.

Nice, @escopecz !

Hit campaign update:
Rebuilding leads for campaign 1
There are no lists to rebuild from.
0 lead(s) affected

Hit campaign trigger:
[i]Triggering events for campaign 1
Triggering first level events
1 total events(s) to be processed in batches of 100
0/1 [>---------------------------] 0%
1/1 [============================] 100%
1 event(s) executed

Triggering scheduled events
0 total events(s) to be processed in batches of 100
0 event(s) executed

Triggering ‘non-action’ events
0 event(s) executed[/i]

Would be cron jobs set wrong?

Could you rephrase your question?

Well, script forces Mautic work manually, right?
Would be cron jobs set wrong on my cpanel?

Still having trouble to understand your question. (English is my second language). Are you asking if you need cron jobs so you don’t have to trigger it manually? If so then yes, that is a good idea. This can probably help you

Ok, let’s organize:

1-Cron jobs set on my cPanel according to
2-Campaign doesn’t work - no event occurs
3-You tell me to run a script for testing
4-@ninjoan fix the script on
5-You tell me to delete pt_BR folder
6-Script works nicely

Following this history I understand my cron jobs does not work for some reason, or am I wrong?