Can a user be in multiple segments at the same time?

Your software
My Mautic version is: 4.4.0

Can a user be in multiple segments at the same time?

Ie: If I add the contact to segment A and later on this person enters via a landing that has a form that “adds the contact to segment B” then will it be removed from A or will be both in A and B?

Yes, the person should be in both A and B unless you set up a campaign removing the person from another segments if they join to a different one

I have mine set up by using tags and I set up the segments using tag filters. If a person sign up for something on our site, they get a tag applied to their contact information based on their interest and if any of the segment is filtered to this tag then contact is either included or excluded from segment depending on filter set up.

I found tags to be much more easier to manage contact preferences since we have several different email or newsletter group to sign up for.

Great! Thanks! Understood.

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