Can't Edit Leads


I tried to reply to some other people’s conversations on this but the pages would not let me.

I was able to edit leads all day today and then suddenly I was not. After some trouble shooting, I realized it had to do with the number of fields I had created. If I delete the last field I added (for my leads) the lead editing will work. If I add one back in (doesn’t matter what name I use for it or where I put it) it breaks the editing functionality.

31 seems to be the magic number - 31 fields won’t work, 30 will.

The error I am seeing in the chrome console if an Internal server Error related to libraries.js line 670 and the error I receive is Uncaught Syntax Error: Unexpected token >


I tried to reply to some other people’s conversations on this but the pages would not let me.

I was able to edit leads all day today and then suddenly I was not. After some trouble shooting, I realized it had to do with the number of fields I had created. If I delete the last field I added (for my leads) the lead editing will work. If I add one back in (doesn’t matter what name I use for it or where I put it) it breaks the editing functionality.

31 seems to be the magic number - 31 fields won’t work, 30 will.

The error I am seeing in the chrome console if an Internal server Error related to libraries.js line 670 and the error I receive is Uncaught Syntax Error: Unexpected token >


Hi Kate,

Would you mind checking your app/logs/mautic_prod.php file to see what exceptions if any are recorded?


Hi Alan,
The only thing in the file is a mail error from 04-03-2015 (assuming that is nothing) - let me know if you want me to check anything else or need me to replicate the error and check something.


Hi Kate,

Do you know how to use the browsers developer console? If so, replicate the issue then look at the response to the Ajax request to see what the response is. If not, what browser are you using?

Hi Alan - this is what I see (the problem happens in both Firefox and Chrome)
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
1:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token >

In the firebug I see this
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data - libraries.js (line 599)

In firebug, there should be a response tab.

Is there any output there?


Testing to see if this posts saves (tried to post code & it didn’t save)

Hi Alan,
I do see a lot of code in that tab - when I try to paste it in here it causes my replies not to be saved though - the response starts with the boy-layout div, is there anything I can look for for you or another way to get it to you?


Try to paste it into a text file, upload somewhere (Dropbox, Drive, website via ftp), and post the link here.


Hey everyone… I’m rendering a similar response on my installation, but only when I go to edit certain leads. Many I can edit, but only the first 3 or 4 listed won’t open… was a solution found to this issue?

