Charset Log error?

Every few minutes the Mautic Log file is showing these errors. Any ideas?

mautic.WARNING: PHP Warning - html_entity_decode(): charset latin1' not supported, assuming utf-8 - in file /app/bundles/CoreBundle/Helper/AbstractFormFieldHelper.php - at line 155<br /> <br /> mautic.WARNING: PHP Warning - htmlspecialchars(): charsetlatin1’ not supported, assuming utf-8 - in file /app/bundles/CampaignBundle/EventListener/ConfigSubscriber.php - at line 51

Every few minutes the Mautic Log file is showing these errors. Any ideas?

mautic.WARNING: PHP Warning - html_entity_decode(): charset `latin1’ not supported, assuming utf-8 - in file /app/bundles/CoreBundle/Helper/AbstractFormFieldHelper.php - at line 155

mautic.WARNING: PHP Warning - htmlspecialchars(): charset `latin1’ not supported, assuming utf-8 - in file /app/bundles/CampaignBundle/EventListener/ConfigSubscriber.php - at line 51