Cloudflare DNS - "proxied" or "DNS only" setting for Mautic?

Just installed Mautic (Yey!) :smiley: and going through the settings now.

I use Cloudflare for my website. I have my mautic install under a subdomain → which said subdomain is pinpointed by an “A” DNS record within the Cloudflare DNS settings.

QUESTION 1: There is the option to set this A record for my mautic subdomain install with the “PROXIED” setting OR the “DNS Only” setting within the Cloudflare DNS setup… Can I use the “proxied” setting or will that mess up the tracking features of Mautic?

QUESTION 2: Can I keep the “PROXIED” settings in general to my website with Cloudflare, or must all be changed to “DNS only” ?

Thank you kindly!

I realise there’s an option to use the “proxy protocol” with Cloudflare, but it seem that’s only available with their paid plans, not free … hence wondering if I need to just disable all proxying via Cloudflare DNS A Records for both and … ?

Hi @Warren ,
Do you have any feedback on this ?
I’m in the same situation : wondering what’s best.
Keeping Cloudflare can improve speed, but is there a risk to miss some data ???