Contact custom email to include CC, allow attachments and use email template

My idea is:
Emails outside campaign need to allow CC, attachment, and the use of email template

I think these groups of people would benefit from this idea:
Any one sends direct email outside campaign

Why I think they would benefit from this idea:
Better email

Any code or resources to support this idea:

Are you willing to work on this idea?:

What skills and resources do you need to explore this further?

Hi, not sure you mean by this. You can already do that I believe. Can you be more specific?

Thank you for the reply.

Click on Contacts, click on a contact, click send email. Th email window does have CC or attach. It allows email template selection but that doesn’t do anything, it shows spinning wheel.

The expected behavior is to load the email template into the email form, or a way to allow CC field and attach. In the email form body, there is way to add link, but add attachment is what not allowed.

If email template, CC, and attach are already implemented features then how to get it to do so? the documentation doesn’t say. Thanks, see attached snapshot.

Oh okay. Got you.
No, what you are asking is not implemented.

We got a customer who requested this but we don’t have the capacity at this moment to make this. We are willing to put a 200 dollar bounty on the contributor (that makes the most contributions) this feature.

  • Bcc, CC and attachments

Also a good addition would be a log of messages you send personally and if they are read and clicked on etc.


PR is out there.: Added attachment, cc and bcc possibilities to direct mail by dev-marcel · Pull Request #11297 · mautic/mautic · GitHub

Looks good, I’ll test it.
Is there a way you can add the tests needed to push this into production?

Hello @joeyk - do you tested this with some PDF file and checked PDF after send? I’ve got strange bug with this PR.

No, not tested yet as there are no automated tests.