I see this issue for 3 months now : I have a segment with 100K contacts, the 100% completed campaign says 100K action completed, but the number of emails sent in the email section is 51K.
I understand some contact are in Bounce, do not contact, etc.
But the difference is too much because before for those 100K, the emails used to be sent to 70K to 80K contacts.
When I exclude the “manually unsubscribe” contact from my segment I reach around 50K.
The thing is, I made a segment in order to count the “manually unsubscribe” and it reaches a number of contacts we never had and that even exceed our amount of contact…
When I check contacts in this segment, I see people that didn’t unsubscribed.
It also seems like we had a bit more bounced lately, we have quite a few “do not contact : bounced”, as if the bounced contact got triggered fester than usual.
I have ssen several issue due to AWS Amazon server… it seems to be an issue like this :