Different number of contacts in segment and email sent

In Mautic v4.0.1, PHP Version 7.4.19

I see this issue for 3 months now : I have a segment with 100K contacts, the 100% completed campaign says 100K action completed, but the number of emails sent in the email section is 51K.

I understand some contact are in Bounce, do not contact, etc.

But the difference is too much because before for those 100K, the emails used to be sent to 70K to 80K contacts.

All of those 100K have a proper email adress.

Any ideas to solve this issue ?

Did you compare numbers with your mail service provider? What service do you use?

Hi, we actually had a local server then we switched to an Amazon server.

When we saw the difference, we made a try with the local server once again but we still had a differnece from 100K to 51K.

Do all contacts have email addresses?

  1. Try to exclude anyone from the segment who doesn’t have an Email Address.
  2. Try to exclude anyone who bounced (Excluding Bounced equal yes)
  3. Try to exclude anyone who unsubscribed (Excluding Unsubscribed equal yes)

Yes, it is a segment that includes contact with email address only and excludes the unsubscribe.

I do not know how many “bounce” contacts are in this segment but my number total of bounce on all the segment and all time is only 2K.

I also had my opening rate going down like 2 or 3 times less than usual.

When I exclude the “manually unsubscribe” contact from my segment I reach around 50K.

The thing is, I made a segment in order to count the “manually unsubscribe” and it reaches a number of contacts we never had and that even exceed our amount of contact…

When I check contacts in this segment, I see people that didn’t unsubscribed.

It also seems like we had a bit more bounced lately, we have quite a few “do not contact : bounced”, as if the bounced contact got triggered fester than usual.

I have ssen several issue due to AWS Amazon server… it seems to be an issue like this :

My suspicion was also DNC, this is why I suggested it in our call.
I’m happy that the math comes together.

Next step would be to run a DNC report where you you display the DNC reason for each contact. This gives away if they were DNC as a mistake.

Mass DNC can happen if your domain is blacklisted, or refused.


Hi, thanks !

Yes, it sounds like they got DNC as a mistake.
We didn’t get any blacklist or refused, my technical colleagues checks it regularly.

Looks like we have some technical research and cleaning to do… happy new year I guess :sweat_smile:

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