My idea is:
Each scheduled email (segment or campaign email) has a boolean setting (like a toggle button):
- sending according to contact timezone (if defined) or
- sending according to owner timezone.
I think these groups of people would benefit from this idea:
Sending emails is the basic functionality of Mautic and scheduling to an appropriate time is also - by clarifying the time it will be sent, all user will benefit from this improvement.
Why I think they would benefit from this idea:
At the moment, the scheduling of sending emails is not consistent:
- Segment Emails (Newsletters) are sent according to Mautic Timezone (Owner Timezone)
- Campaign Emails are sent according to contact Timezone
Consistency brings less stress and bugs.
Any code or resources to support this idea:
There are questions on the forum:
Are you willing to work on this idea?:
I would really, but I still do not have the programming skills.