Edit Email Footer

Your software
My Mautic version is: Not Sure
My PHP version is: Not Sure

My problem is:
I’m trying to change my address in my email footer - it doesn’t allow me to edit it. The body of the email is editable when my cursor hovers over it, but not the footer. See screenshots -

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:
In addition to directly editing the email, I looked everywhere in my account to change the address.

Hi there, and welcome to the Mautic Community Forums!

It might well be that this is a non-editable area of your email template. If you hover and click on editable areas you see the purple box, as in the first screenshot.

Non-editable regions would need to be changed in the theme itself by editing the template.

You can find these in themes>your theme name.

@us_data_corp see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67zGthxzrKc

Didn’t allow me to edit the theme either, so I simply changed to the html code theme and edited it directly. Thanks for your help.

Right on, thanks for this.

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