Elastic email connection issue

Hello, I am trying to connect mautic to elastic email. i have tried everything i found on the forum including using both api key as username and password. trying other ports.

This is the error message I’m getting

Connection could not be established with host smtp.elasticemail.com [ #0] Log data: ++ Starting Swift_SmtpTransport !! Connection could not be established with host smtp.elasticemail.com [ #0] (code: 0)
++ Starting Swift_SmtpTransport !! Connection could not be established with host smtp.elasticemail.com [ #0] (code: 0)

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Your outbound SMTP ports are blocked. Contact your host provider and request to remove the block.

Most of the shared hosting providers/VPS, block outbound SMTP ports 25 and 587. They do this purposely to prevent their network from sending unnecessary spam messages. There are two workarounds to this problem; either contact your hosting provider to unblock the port as mentioned by @MxyzptlkFishStix above or try using port 2525 which is also supported by most of the SMTP Relay providers.

Note: Port 2525 is a non-standard SMTP port, but its been used widely these days. Gmail SMTP has been the key influencer for this port, as they accept SMTP connections on 2525.