Getting Reporting Data

Your software
My Mautic version is: 3.3
My PHP version is: 7.x
My Database type and version is: MariaDB

Your problem
My problem is:
I have 10 campaigns, each of the campaigns sends between 5 and 20 emails.
There are 20 emails setup, so Campaign A, might send emails 1 through 5, while campaign B sends emails 1 through 11. In other words, one set of emails and the campaigns use the combination of emails that applies to the contact.
The contacts have been sorted by Segment.
I can’t figure out with reporting how to create a report, that lists the emails sent , their open rates, bounce rates etc by either campaign or by segment.

Why not just view the “Decisions” & “Actions” tabs on the campaign?

@EJL Good suggestion, but not enough details on opens, bounces, etc.

Checkout report #4 that comes standard with Mautic