How are you managing email sending for multiple cients (each client with its own instance of mautic)?

To install Mautic with composer on cPanel does require editing the composer.json to make it work.

I am running several composer installed Mautic on few cPanel servers / accounts.

Nice. Is there a way to clone from composer? We have a ton of custom fields and plug-ins…

Right now, I am working on possibility of installing with default composer setup but I ran into an issue testing it and I am not sure if it something I did or there been some change on recent composer.json

Sorry …not meant to go off topic here … Let create a new post if you want to discuss more on this.

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@ericgr We build for each client a custom mailserver and qualify the mailserver for them. So each email server runs on his own ip.

If the client got already one mail domain we recommend to use a subdomain and build a mailserver for sending under this domain (this protects the main customer mail domain)


Thanks @sfahrenkrog1 - I see you’re taking it to the next level with a custom mailserver for each client!

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I think you should consider the possible size of your operation and scale your email infrastructure accordingly. If you have large clients, the own SMTP might be better, but you need to have people to run them who understand deliverability, feedback loops and domain / ip reputation.