How to Export Leads by List

This is a feature that isn’t yet available in Mautic, but there is a simple workaround for anyone needing to export leads from a specific list. Simply go into you’re web host’s cPanel, open phpMyAdmin, and enter the following SQL query (being sure to reformat these table names / list numbers according to your personal data):

SELECT, mauticsf_leads.date_added, mauticsf_leads.firstname,, mauticsf_lead_lists_leads.leadlist_id

FROM mauticsf_leads, mauticsf_lead_lists_leads

WHERE = mauticsf_lead_lists_leads.lead_id

AND mauticsf_lead_lists_leads.leadlist_id =3

LIMIT 0 , 10000

You can increase the Limit as high as you need depending on how many leads are on your list.

This is a feature that isn’t yet available in Mautic, but there is a simple workaround for anyone needing to export leads from a specific list. Simply go into you’re web host’s cPanel, open phpMyAdmin, and enter the following SQL query (being sure to reformat these table names / list numbers according to your personal data):

SELECT, mauticsf_leads.date_added, mauticsf_leads.firstname,, mauticsf_lead_lists_leads.leadlist_id
FROM mauticsf_leads, mauticsf_lead_lists_leads
WHERE = mauticsf_lead_lists_leads.lead_id
AND mauticsf_lead_lists_leads.leadlist_id =3
LIMIT 0 , 10000

You can increase the Limit as high as you need depending on how many leads are on your list.

Here is discussion about the same question:

I have the same question how to export the leads in a list to csv?

Hello guys, I have 20K contacts from my old mail marketing provider, but the native import toll is not working fine on Mautic.
Please could you share a query to insert contacts onto may Mautic DB?


@edsonmoreira why you said is not working? in my end is working like a BOSS you have check your CSV file.

How do i export subscriber only?

When i export my contacts it exports ALL subscribers (subscribed and unsubscribed)

How do i only export the subscribed contacts?

Thanks in advance

@ninjoan I have a list greater than 20K contacts. The Mautic’s import toll does not support that… It crashes and/or get stucked. I think would be easier if we can insert directly into the DB by SQL command.