managing integration's help


I have few questions regarding managing integration’s. Now, I have turned on all the addons from social media to chat and now I’m able to integrate few of them in to MAUTIC like MailChimp…

I was wondering what does that Published option that can be set to Yes or No does? What happens if I tick it to yes?

do you have any tutorials on how to integrate MailChimp, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and while at LinkedIn it only has Publised option settings to yes and/or no


I have few questions regarding managing integration’s. Now, I have turned on all the addons from social media to chat and now I’m able to integrate few of them in to MAUTIC like MailChimp…

I was wondering what does that Published option that can be set to Yes or No does? What happens if I tick it to yes?

do you have any tutorials on how to integrate MailChimp, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and while at LinkedIn it only has Publised option settings to yes and/or no


Hi Darknova11

LinkedIn’s integration is only a share button on our landing pages. This is because of LinkedIn’s API restrictions.

Regarding tutorials, we are working very hard to get a tutorials section of the site up! And we’ll try to make sure integrations like the ones you mentioned will be included in that.

do any one have any Tutorials or Link on how to integrate and monitoring MailChimp, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Please Help me!