Mautic 5 SuiteCRM Integration Plugin - SuiteCRM 8 - Current Status

I see a few posts here and on the SuiteCRM forum about whether or not the SugarCRM Integration that comes with Mautic works with Mautic 5 and SuiteCRM 8. The answer is YES.

I have successfully got the integration working.

Here is what works (on all versions):

New Contacts/Leads → Mautic YES
New Contact/Leads → SuiteCRM YES
Changes in SuiteCRM - > Mautic YES

Changes in Mautic → SuiteCRM NO… this has been an issue for a while, but should work. I’ve tried a bunch of times to figure it out. There is a bug somewhere that I just can’t figure out.

It’s a shame because it could be SUPER powerfull.

Mautic has the ablility to do front end forms that update the record in Mautic upon form submit. If I could get this to push back to SuiteCRM, this is a great feature!

Other than that one issue. The integration works pretty well.