Mautic - FB custom audience integration

Sorry Mike, it would have assumed really just a few days but just meantime we got some unexpected tasks from totally different places that ‘sadly’ we had to finish before my promise.

Sorry for the delay, here you go with what I mentioned the renovated Facebook - Custom Audience plugin: Custom Audiences (Facebook Ads) – Mautic Plugin v2.1.0

This is the fork of the original plugin keep its licensing background, therefore it is still open usable and open ‘codeable’ as open source project just we started to maintain it (as in the last some months also but without publicity).

As I wrote we will keep it freely usable and we are going to try to handle its every basic maintenance aspect. As of it in the following weeks we are going to upgrade it to compatible with Mautic 4, if not already.

Thanks for your patience, and wish a lot of fun to use.

(I tested it completely yesterday, but sadly as we are really full of works if there is any unexpected errors we can just check it in the first week of November.)

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