Mautic - FB custom audience integration

Hi All! ( Especially: @joeyk @mikew )

I’m glad to announce that after a long period we have some updates on the plugin and now we have also a brand new Mautic 4 compatible version.

As from now we have discrete Mautic 3 and Mautic 4 versions, we changed the version number logic behind our plugins to better reflect it. In the future 3.*.* plugins will be compatible with Mautic 3, while 4.*.* plugins will be compatible with Mautic 4.

Our corrections for Mautic 3 including but not limited to…

  • NEW FUNCTION Upgraded Facebook SDK to v13.
  • OPTIMIZATION Filtered version update notifications to only Mautic 3.
  • OPTIMIZATION Segment synchron in case of enabling/disabling them.
  • OPTIMIZATION ‘FB exeption’ error report enhancing.
  • OPTIMIZATION New version numbering logic aligned to the major Mautic versions.
  • OPTIMIZATION Further more optimized manual for totaly clear usage.
  • BUGFIX Fixed a rare but definite memory overflow when enabling the plugin (with completely new query logic).
  • BUGFIX Synchron at publishing a new segment.

…while the Mautic 4 version contains exactly the same functionalities as the Mautic 3 version (except of filtering of the version update notifications, which here is - of course - for Mautic 4).

Though our plugins usually based on 1 year subscription plans but this one - as a free item - of course could be usable without any restrictions.

You can ‘purchase’ them as free products from our site:

As all of our plugins these also have embeded notifications about new versions but because we changed the URL of the orginal product, the link in the upgrade notification of our previous version is broken. Now you have to go to one of our links above and ‘use’ the product from there but in the current version we already use the new URL, therefore the problem will be solved.

Please feel free to use them, and do not hasitate to tell me if you have any problems.