Mautic setup tutorial video?

Good day to you,

Can you please help me with the video tutorial on how to install mautic perfectly.

Thank you

Olufemi Phillip.

@femsphil I have broken this out as a new topic, please don’t bump posts with irrelevant replies!


Sorry for late reply
Where do you want to install it on a vps or a hosting with cpanel?

I installed it through my cpanel and after the installation I decided to configure it by fetching IP look up but not working. Please can I do?

Well i dont understand that
Using Cpanel softaculous works most of the time aside from some basic error page which already has solution and you are not encountering that.
If you installation is successful and you can login
you need to set up the appropriate cron jobs for sending emails,campaign trigger etc the ip lookup is not needed for basic function of mautic to work

Can I ask for a favor from you please? I really don’t know about adding codes or any form of link alongside. I will so much appreciate you help me with a video tutorial on how you did your installation.
Thank you for your understanding.


March 29
Well i dont understand that Using Cpanel softaculous works most of the time
aside from some basic error page which already has solution and you are not
encountering that. If you installation is successful and you can login you
need to set up the appropriate cron jobs for sending emails,campaign t…