your host may be blocking SMTP relay requests- for example does not allow this on shared hosting packages.
You must be on a dedicated server to do this.
yes i did simple campaign and still nothing. Also I used both php and sendgrid.
Could be something with your cron. I’m not an expert of this, but it seems that your running 2 cron simultaneously. I’ve always set only 3 cron in this order (list, campagin, trigger). Don’t know anything about the other cron you’ve set.
Well your cron jobs are completely wrong. Thats the problem. This is what each cron should look like, but you have to know the proper path for your hosting service:
/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/php /home/mypath/app/console mautic:webhooks:process > /dev/null 2>&1
That won’t work for you, because you have to replace the mypath part with your path.
this is what my cron job looks like >>
where do i find the path? is it my domain?
Wait a few hours, I am going to upload a full Mautic install video to YouTube that covers this in it.
It will be on my channel
And my website
Ok buddy, here is that video, for the actual cron jobs you have to get them on my website because YouTube doesn’t allow you to add brackets to their notes area: