No 'Send Text Message' option on campaign builder

I want to Set the text message in mautic v2.16.0 . I have set the Twilio account details also. After that as per the document below, I went to the Campaigns --> and open the campaign builder but I didn’t find any option like Send Text Message action see below screenshot

  1. Go to Campaigns .
  2. Edit an existing campaign or create a new one.
  3. Open the Campaign Builder.
  4. Add a Send Text Message action to the canvas.


I just did a quick test and send text message appears for me

This is what I did to get there

  1. Configured Twilio plugin (make sure is published)

  2. Go Configuration > Text Message Setting and clicked save and close (not sure if this is needed)

  3. Now I can see under channels there is new Text Messages Option so I created a dummy sms

That’s it, the option appears on the action if the campaign builder

see below screenshot I have also the Text Messages option in Channels but when go to build campaign not getting that option see in below screenshot

Is not on your contact sources it will be an action, in contact sources you need to select a campaign or a form.
Send a Message will be an action in the campaign

Here are the docs for the campaign builder

follow this docs, now able to get that option.
