Office 365 SMTP Setting

Mautic Version : 2.8

In email setting we added an Office 365 account to send and retrieve emails.

Test connection is ok.

Send test email is sent correctly and I receive it in my inbox.

When I try to send email through contact or campaign I get the following message :

Failed to send to xxxxxxx : Failed to authenticate on SMTP server with username "xxxxxxx" using 0 possible authenticators

We were using Amazon SES before and everything was ok. When migrating to Office we had an issue.

Any idea bout this issue ?

Mautic Version : 2.8
In email setting we added an Office 365 account to send and retrieve emails.

Test connection is ok.
Send test email is sent correctly and I receive it in my inbox.

When I try to send email through contact or campaign I get the following message :

We were using Amazon SES before and everything was ok. When migrating to Office we had an issue.

Any idea bout this issue ?

Any update on that !


Does anyone had an issue similar to this one ?
Is there a way to contact a premium support ?