Interesting… I made a form that added any anyone who signed up to my podcast to a list named podcast. After I used that list to email my podcast the list emptied. My other list that has filters used has not emptied after email. Before I create a work around is there a way to make permanent lists,for a lack of better words?
Interesting… I made a form that added any anyone who signed up to my podcast to a list named podcast. After I used that list to email my podcast the list emptied. My other list that has filters used has not emptied after email. Before I create a work around is there a way to make permanent lists,for a lack of better words?
That is kind of reading like a bug. Can you report this at with steps outlined to reproduce? For example, are you sending the email directly from the email manager, after a form is submitted or via a campaign? If a form, what other form submit actions do you have configured. Or if a campaign, what decisions and actions do you have an how are they configured?
Thanks! Will add it to github today.
Hey @solacetech,
Just letting you know that I just ran across this. Looking into the issue now.
Scratch that; I had a bad point trigger configured so it did exactly what I told it to.
Lol. All of my lists are empty except for the one i made with a filter. As a matter of fact i tried to recreate the list that worked and still populated that list with 0 contacts. Will find some time to do more research. Right now i’m in love with sharing the asset url directly on twitter and watching the download numbers go up…
Lists without filters shouldn’t populate leads automatically but rather remain empty in order to be managed manually.
Are you wanting a list that basically includes all leads?
No. I have contacts from android websites also. Prevoiusly i was able to filter any contact with a website = “http” . Now thay doesnt even work. Becuase i fiddled with my working list now all of them are blank. I might have to create a username for you to see what i mean.
You can email me at alan.hartless@{this-site}.org if you want to create login details. I’ll be glad to take a look. If you’re willing, FTP credentials may help expedite diagnosing and resolving the issue.
@alanhartless Thank you! Sent the info via "".
Hey Anthony,
So I apologize. I found your email in my spam box the other day. I did login and tried to reproduced but couldn’t so maybe I was doing something different. I also watched your video on the Github issue. (Side question, is not being able to delete a filter something specific to your android or does it do that on your browser as well?)
Could you try upgrading to RC2 to see if it resolves any of these issues?
Thank you @alanhartless . Chrome on android wouldn’t let me delete that particular filter at that time but i was able to delete it via win8.1 chrome. What did you do different? I would love to know…
Also, I’ve tried a couple of times to upgrade to no avail. I chose (on win8.1) “rc…” In configuration, logged out and logged in a couple of times with no upgrade dialog appearing.(I also edited the php file you noted in other posts) I downloaded the update from and copied/overwritten via ftp. That was fun because i lost all of my links currently on twitter. I tried to navigate to the new login page with the s but didn’t see anything. I then overwrit(?) With the previous version to get my links back. An hour later i tried again to only get the same result. Not sure what to do. I’m now heavily invested in mautic and can’t afford to be down. Maybe it is because i have it as
Hey Anthony,
I tried multiple things. I created a test lead, list (first without filters then with), form and email. I tried manually adding a lead to the lists, assign the list to the email, sent the email; the lead was still included in the list. I then removed the lead form the list, submitted the test form that was configured to add the lead to the list (the lead was added) so then I created a second email and sent; the lead was still included in the list. I repeated with lists with a filter included. Still each time sending the email, the lead remained as part of the list. Did I try something different than you were?
I use subfolders as well so that shouldn’t be a problem.
If you updated your UpdateHelper.php file, logged out and back in, and the update is still not available, check app/logs/mautic_prod.php for any clues as to why it’s not communicating with the update server. If there are related errors, post them here.
It would be best to get the updater working but if you tried to manually overwrite the files with a newly download package from, or want to try that route, then you would have to finish the upgrade manually by running some commands from the command line. After uploading the new files, run
$ cd /your/mautic/folder
$ php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
$ php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --env=prod
Your twitter links probably died because the cache wasn’t cleared so the new routing didn’t go into affect.
Thanks @alanhartless. When i readded the beta files everything came back. Twitter links came back. Can’t afford to lose them again. I’ll ssh later next week. Thank you.
I understand. For your situation, I’d recommend a copy of Mautic that you can use to test upgrades before you do the real thing.
@alanhartless sorry for the delay. Here is a snippet of the repeating error on the log:
/home/admin/domains/"} []
[2015-03-03 22:31:32] mautic.ERROR: An error occurred while attempting to fetch updates: Unknown cipher in list: TLSv1 [] []
[2015-03-03 22:31:45] mautic.ERROR: Uncaught PHP Exception SymfonyComponentHttpKernelExceptionNotFoundHttpException: “No route found for “GET /upgrade”” at /home/admin/domains/ line 2367 {“exception”:"[object] (Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException(code: 0): No route found for “GET /upgrade” at /home/admin/domains/, Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException(code: 0): at /home/admin/domains/"} []
First, we did find a big issue with lead lists and I think it’s the reason your lists were getting wiped. There’s a PR for it but don’t apply it till we have the upgrade path in place as data isn’t migrated yet.
Anyway, for the error you are seeing. What OS/version is your host running? It would seem that you have an older version of curl/openssl on the system that does not support the TLSv1 cipher. It is pretty much required now that ssl3 and 2 cannot be supported due to security reasons.
@alanhartless I’m running centos 6.5 on my vps. Will look into updating the listed things. Thank you.
@alanhartless Welp… That was fun. I migrated the files via ftp and ran the above commands via ssh. doesn’t exist and just verified that my twitter asset links are still dead after the migration. the Database migration didn’t give any errors. Here is what the mautic log says:
/home/admin/domains/"} []
[2015-03-06 01:40:07] mautic.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception RuntimeException: “Controller “MauticPageBundleControllerPublicController::indexAction()” requires that you provide a value for the “$slug” argument (because there is no default value or because there is a non optional argument after this one).” at /home/admin/domains/ line 2471 {“exception”:"[object] (RuntimeException(code: 0): Controller “Mautic\PageBundle\Controller\PublicController::indexAction()” requires that you provide a value for the “$slug” argument (because there is no default value or because there is a non optional argument after this one). at /home/admin/domains/"} []
[2015-03-06 01:40:07] mautic.CRITICAL: Exception thrown when handling an exception (InvalidArgumentException: asset_prefix does not exist.) {“exception”:"[object] (RuntimeException(code: 0): Controller “Mautic\PageBundle\Controller\PublicController::indexAction()” requires that you provide a value for the “$slug” argument (because there is no default value or because there is a non optional argument after this one). at /home/admin/domains/"} []