Social follow configuration - only one needed

Your software
My Mautic version is: 2.16.3
My PHP version is: 7.2.24

Your problem
My problem is:
I’ve inserted a follow social on Landing Page but, want only to have there Facebook without G+ and Twitter. I’ve deleted all contents (links) in those fields, but they don’t disappear. How to get rid of them?

This would need to be edited in code I am not sure where, but if you poke around you will find it.

The alternative is to simply make the social buttons yourself, probably quicker and you will get a better looking affect.

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@mikew is spot on. To dig around in the code to modify the element would take longer versus using your own buttons in place of.

I personally think the landing page builder is woefully inadequate for todays use. As a workaround I create my own landing pages with a 3rd party builder from Themeforest and manually insert Mautic tracking code and any forms. In my campaigns where you would designate the landing page I use the visits page and insert the URL of my published landing page or a combo of URL and wildcards. Same results with better designs.

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