Social Login on Forms


Is there any documentation about the Social Login field in forms? I added one and it just shows the label. I can’t find where to configure the Fb app which I suppose is needed to make it work?

Many thanks!


Is there any documentation about the Social Login field in forms? I added one and it just shows the label. I can’t find where to configure the Fb app which I suppose is needed to make it work?

Many thanks!

Thanks for that. But this is the part I cannot find:

[quote]Place the App ID you copied before in the Client ID box of the Facebook plugin inside Mautic.
Place the App Secret you copied before in the Client Secret box of the Facebook plugin inside Mautic.
Map your fields between Mautic and Facebook.
Click (Published) button to change it to Yes.
Click (Authorize App) button.[/quote]

Where in Mautic?? I have searched in CONFIGURATION and in the Social Login field itself. Or do I need to enable the Facebook plugin?

Many thanks once more


Thanks for the info here, very helpful. I was able to setup facebook and then add social login to a campaign form.

While doing this I expected to obtain the user’s Facebook id and email.
What do I accomplish by adding the social login to the landing page?

@mokeefe, could do something?

Im getting the following:

URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s Client OAuth Settings. Make sure Client and Web OAuth Login are on and add all your app domains as Valid OAuth Redirect URIs.

This social login is excellent! No if I want to store the user, list of friends, can I request additional permissions to request them?

@Carlos BR I could get it to work properly. I ges I wasn’t seeing the whole picture.

@MxyzptlkFishStix , regarding public_profile permission, can you share what would be the useful added permissions? and the good reasons for them to get approval from facebook? just for a benchmark to compare abilities of this plugin
