Understanding Delivery Feedback Notification (Amazon SES)

Your software
My Mautic version is: v5.1
My PHP version is: v8.2
My Database type and version is: MySQL 8.0


I am setting up Amazon SES with Mautic v5.1 for my email marketing campaigns. Here are a few things I want to ensure that I am on the right track.

I set up an IAM user and assigned two permissions: SESF and SNSF.

Then, I created a standard topic in SNS, set up an HTTPS subscription, and confirmed it.

Lastly, in SES, I selected my domain and set up feedback notifications for bounces and complaints, but I did not select the delivery option. Is setting the delivery option important here?

I found somewhere that this delivery option doesn’t work properly with Mautic. Is that true?

Also, Is there any way to find out if the email has been opened or not?

Delivery is not configured with Mautic. You don’t need it. (Unless you need to investigate something, but that is a different case)

Also, Is there any way to find out if the email has been opened or not?

Mautic places a tracking pixel which tells you if an email is opened.
Mautic also follows the links by an URL rewrite, so you can see who clicked on what.

This doesn’t work on sending previews and test emails because tests are not connected with contacts in Mautic!


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