It checks if contact as replied to Email#1 or not. If Replied, It sends Email#2 again
It checks if contact has opened Email#2 or not. If opened, It sends Email#3 again
when campaign runs, all 3 mail comes to inbox of contact.
Problem is:
Email#2 is not yet opened, but it fires Email#3 again - automatically
When I reply back to Email#1, it does not fire Email#2.
Email status tracking is not reliable in many cases these days - e.g. some mailers pre-fetch images which let’s us believe it was read, but wasn’t.
Can you please look at the history timeline of a contact in questions, and confirm that the email is indeed considered unopened (i.e. “Email sent” as opposed to “Email read”)?
Email #2 is still unread, but it has been treated as READ via Mautic and automatically action has triggered and Email #3 has been sent again (see 2 written…)
Please click on the envelope icon at the beginning of the “email read” line, and it will tell you when and by what client the email was “read”!
ok, so it is Gmail as you say (which is also confirmed by the user agent).
→ The Google Image Proxy is prefetching the images regardless of any “Ask before displaying external images” settings.
I suggest you try with a non-gmail (non-prefetching) email account, and you will see the behavior vanish.
Email status tracking is not reliable in many cases these days - e.g. some mailers pre-fetch images which let’s us believe it was read, but wasn’t.
only worry is 35-50% of the world uses gmail as their mailbox. If read replies cannot be tracked if mailbox is gmail, then who the campaigns can work ? its means loss in business and not bringing in any results…
Well, it depends on many things. Sometimes it’s showing tracking even in promo. Some people use gmail with another email reader (like on their phone) so you can’t say it’s not good.
Mautic is just as good as any other tool.