Campaign Help: Want to send an email if contact doesn't open first email

Hello All,

I’m not clear on how to build my campaign to send a second or third email when the contact doesn’t open the first email.

So, scenario is … I send an email, then if after 3 days the contact doesn’t open the email … I want my campaign to send another email … if not opened after 3 days … my campaign will send a last email.

Can someone help me understand how to do that?



Hello All,
I’m not clear on how to build my campaign to send a second or third email when the contact doesn’t open the first email.

So, scenario is … I send an email, then if after 3 days the contact doesn’t open the email … I want my campaign to send another email … if not opened after 3 days … my campaign will send a last email.

Can someone help me understand how to do that?

You can use an action of “opens email” after the “send email” node and then you can add another “send email” linked to the green “plus” node at the bottom of the “opens email” node. Like this:


Hello, i am new in mautic, and I have the same situation. I need to resend a email only for the non openers. I dont understand the logi in this diagram, because as I see, you are selecting the users that opened the email. In my case I need to select the non openers users, and i dont see a way to do that. I have read diferent post in the forum about it, but still cant solve it. Can you please guide me?Thank you very much.

Green means “he fulfilled the action” or in other words “he opened the email”, thus he will get “just contact points” (or any other mautic action that you want to configure).

Red/orange means “well, he haven’t done the task yet… let’s wait “x time””, that can be minutes, hours, days, weeks, etc (in this case 3 days) and if in 3 days the lead haven’t opened the mail, he will get the new email. <— of course this doesn’t happen if he opens the email because automatically will go through the green path.