Unlayer | Free email editor to build responsive email templates


I have been checking https://unlayer.com/ for other needs that we have and saw that they list Mautic as one of the platforms they support.

Their studio app is capable of making very nice responsive emails and landing pages, has cdn capabilities and costs 15usd which includes stock images. For us it looks like a very stable and capable system.

Have any one here tried to use it and have some hands on experience that he can share?

I’m wondering the same, just can’t seem to figure out how to integrate the builder with Mautic like they claim.

In the meantime, I’ve tried Stripo https://stripo.email - and it connects nicely to Mautic via API and exports an email in the Channels → Emails page. Not editable though, only in Stripo and you export again.

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have not tried this but came across it: YOYO DEV - Store - MauticUnlayerBundle

Well we didn’t use unlayer with mautic. We have used it with another program that we are using.
The output was imported and edited by hand to add the dir=rtl and it was 98% good.
Fully responsive and very easy to import.

I have setup the YOYO DEV - Store - MauticUnlayerBundle plugin and to be honest it’s been a pain. I had to customize the configuration to allow for it to use the local filesystem and then while creating templates it randomly deletes everything. I don’t have the time at the moment to go through it all and see what can be done so I have actually coughed up the $15/month to use the use the official unlayer builder at unlayer.com and push the templates through to Mautic where the segments can be added. It’s quite easy for my clients to use as well but it’s a paid service. I will hopefully have some time coming up to go through the plugin and make the necessary adjustments. Either that or build my own lol

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“Randomly deletes everything” - or does it deletes the open template / campaign that you are editing?

We had this happen to us.
It was two browsers are open at the same time while auto save is causing deletion.

Yes it does delete the open template / campaign and I am guilty of having multiple tabs open. Great find and thanks for the info!

I figured it out. You must publish the email before saving it otherwise it gets wiped out of you save it first then publish. Plugin author has been notified of this bug.

hi did you need to configure anything on mautic end to push template from unlayer? I’m getting an unable to connect message when exporting form unlayer. thanks

API wasn’t enabled all working now

I can’t understand it either maybe you need to try something else