I know it’s going to vary a lot depending on the business and what you want to achieve, but is there a recommended format/system for scoring leads? What system works for you?
I know it’s going to vary a lot depending on the business and what you want to achieve, but is there a recommended format/system for scoring leads? What system works for you?
My (very basic) customer journey is: “a lead visits 3 sites, registers for one white paper, downloads it, opens another email which is sent later and visits another 1 site”. I reflected this in my scoring system
- initial score: 0 points
- email open: 1 point
- services page visit: 2 points
- asset download: 3 points
- threshold: 15 point (because sometimes email opens are not tracked)
Ideally I would use an initial score of 15 and a threshold of 30, but an initial score is not possible at the moment.
Here is an interesting article about scoring: https://www.drip.com/blog/best-practices/what-is-lead-scoring/
My system is based on this article. However, I adjusted the threshold because my site did not generate that much traffic initially.