Your software
My Mautic version is: 3.3
My PHP version is: 7.4
My Database type and version is:
Your problem
My problem is: Within contact list I’m getting email address instead of contact name information. Not sure why.
These errors are showing in the log:
Steps I have tried to fix the problem: Tried to look into the form however the name it is submitted correctly and fields are where they are supposed to be.
As I mentioned they did fill out the name, and if I open up the contact and toggle the form submission I can see the full name.
However under the name column I get the email address instead.
only when I toggle the form results but yes it is correct, it is rather odd, because for instance my name is there, but all the other contacts have their email address listed instead of name.
The form is working fine as the full name is passed for the contact. I don’t get why it doesn’t show within the core details and under the contacts list name column though, any tips?