Creating a template of my e-mail

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Can i create a template of my Newsletter e-Mail?
I think its saved somewhere on the server in the mautic directory. I can download the full directory of my e-mail via ssh an upload it somwhere - or what could be the workaround?

Hey @stefan-franz,

What a cool idea to do your own custom email template for your newsletter!

Unfortunately, turning a saved email into a template isn’t as straightforward. What you can do, though, is snatch the MJML code from your email and apply it to a fresh theme.

Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Head over to Settings > Themes.
  2. Grab yourself a Mautic email theme that works with MJML.
  3. Unzip it, and locate template/html/email.mjml.twig.
  4. Give template/config.json a makeover with a new name and description.
  5. Switch up that thumbnail image (optional).
  6. Zip it back up just like it was and upload it.

It might sound like a walk in the park, but if you’re looking to play around with custom fonts or images, things can get a bit trickier (though not impossible). Trust me, I’ve tackled a few themes myself, and I won’t sugarcoat it - it can be a bit of a headache.

Wishing you the best of luck with your newsletter!


Warning: Mautic 5 will be released soon, and a theme created on Mautic 4.+ will not be compatible with version 5 due to changes in the path system.