My idea is: It may be very helpful to use categories for major marketing actions. The categories should allow us to discriminate between points and stage. That is, I should be able to give points of different categories to the same user. A user should have 3 points in category 1 and 5 points in “category 2” for example. In the same way a user could belong to “stage 1” for “category 1” and to “stage 3” for “category 2”. This would allow for greater benefits in building much more effective marketing strategies if we can use conditions like this (examples):
if user have more than X points in categoryX than…
if user is in category1-stage1 than…
if user is in category1-stage1 and not in category2-stage2 than…
I think these groups of people would benefit from this idea: marketers or users with more funnels
Why I think they would benefit from this idea: we can obtain a powerful funnel solution
Any code or resources to support this idea: no
Are you willing to work on this idea?: no
What skills and resources do you need to explore this further? coders, I’m not a coder
Hey there!
Excited to say the points part is coming in Mautic 5!
← patrykgruszka:DPMMA-1132_point-leagues
opened 01:42PM - 20 Jan 23 UTC
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| Q | A
| -------------------------------------- | ---
| Bug fix? (use the a.b branch) | [ N ]
| New feature/enhancement? (use the a.x branch) | [ Y ]
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| BC breaks? (use the c.x branch) | [ N ]
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Additionally (see
- Always add tests and ensure they pass.
- Bug fixes must be submitted against the lowest maintained branch where they apply
(lowest branches are regularly merged to upper ones so they get the fixes too.)
- Features and deprecations must be submitted against the "4.x" branch.
#### Description:
This PR adds possibility to create point groups to categorize contact scores.
New features in this PR:
- Manage Groups (create, read, update, delete)
- Group usage in Point action
- Group usage in Point triggers
- View Group points in Contact details
- Campaign condition based on Group points
- Campaign action to modify Group points
- Segment filter based on Group points
- Group points Report
Please write a short README for your feature/bugfix. This will help people understand your PR and what it aims to do. If you are fixing a bug and if there is no linked issue already, please provide steps to reproduce the issue here.
#### Steps to test this PR:
This part is really important. If you want your PR to be merged, take the time to write very clear, annotated and step by step test instructions. Do not assume any previous knowledge - testers may not be developers.
1. Open this PR on Gitpod or pull down for testing locally (see docs on testing PRs [here](
2. Load fixtures `ddev exec bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load`
3. Update segments `ddev exec bin/console m:s:u`
4. Add some point leagues (Points -> Manage Groups) Example:
5. Create new point action with Point Group, example:
6. Create Point trigger with Group. In my example i will use add tag event to verify if it works fine
7. Create a segment email (remember to set Published at date and set as Published)
8. Trigger email broadcast send with command `ddev exec bin/console m:b:s`
9. Check that the contact who received the email has a Group score.
10. Check that the contact who meet the trigger point requirements has tag added
11. Add new segment with Group filter
12. Update segments: `ddev exec bin/console m:s:u`
13. Check if contacts that meet the requirements were added to the segment
14. Create a campaign that starts from this segment
15. Add condition based on contact score with Group
16. Add Adjust contact points action using another Group
17. Run campaign update and trigger `ddev exec bin/console m:c:u && ddev exec bin/console m:c:t`
18. Check that contacts in the campaign have second Group points assigned
19. Create new report with Group score as Datasource, add some columns (e.g. group name, group score, contact email) and check if report results are correct
If you have any deprecations, list them here along with the new alternative.
If you have any backwards compatibility breaks, list them here.
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