Dynamic Content, why won't you work!

Hello all,

After spending too many hours banging my head on dynamic content on landing pages to no avail, I’m seeking the community’s help.

I’m not sure what is going wrong / why it is not working. No errors, no nothing. Everything seems to be as it should.

Yet, the Dynamic Content is not showing at all.

My template HTML code has the following area reserved for Dynamic Content:

{# This area will be targeted for dynamic content. #} {# You can put Default Content here to shows if the visitor is not known. #}

Likewise, in my campaign, I'm requesting Dynamic Content for the "dwc" slot.
Screen shot attached.
I've tried several variants trying to get it to work, from firing off a form to CRON off contact. Screen shot has Form setting Segment & Stage, then rest of campaign is firing off Contact Segment. Or at least it should if it worked.
Can someone offer me some advice on this? I feel so close on this, and at this point think it's one of two things:
1) I've got it coded wrong. Totally possible. Would like someone to confirm that if possible.
2) Dynamic Content is not working right. It'd save me a lot of heartache and time if I knew this. I saw this on another thread

I'm running 2.8.2
Upgraded to 2.9.1 and it doesn't work there either?

Hello all,
After spending too many hours banging my head on dynamic content on landing pages to no avail, I’m seeking the community’s help.
I’m not sure what is going wrong / why it is not working. No errors, no nothing. Everything seems to be as it should.
Yet, the Dynamic Content is not showing at all.

My template HTML code has the following area reserved for Dynamic Content:

<div id="body" data-section-wrapper="2" class="full">  
  <div data-section="2">
    <div data-slot-container="2">
     <div class="mautic-slot" data-slot-name="dwc">
    {# This area will be targeted for dynamic content. #}
      {# You can put Default Content here to shows if the visitor is not known. #}

Likewise, in my campaign, I’m requesting Dynamic Content for the “dwc” slot.
Screen shot attached.

I’ve tried several variants trying to get it to work, from firing off a form to CRON off contact. Screen shot has Form setting Segment & Stage, then rest of campaign is firing off Contact Segment. Or at least it should if it worked.
Can someone offer me some advice on this? I feel so close on this, and at this point think it’s one of two things:

  1. I’ve got it coded wrong. Totally possible. Would like someone to confirm that if possible.
  2. Dynamic Content is not working right. It’d save me a lot of heartache and time if I knew this. I saw this on another thread

I’m running 2.8.2
Upgraded to 2.9.1 and it doesn’t work there either?

I have the same problem, fighting this for the last 5 days n 0 results, requested help in different places and got 0 responses. sounds like mautic experts have no idea how this dynamic content works :slight_smile:

my use case:

My head exploded after 3 days of fighting with dynamic content, need your help! Please!

I have created a

Campaign form
Successful Submit Action: Redirect URL to second landing page with dynamic content data slot
Field: name, email, resident (city)

Landing pages
los-gatos-invite: initial landing page with form
dynamicdeal: second landing page with dynamic content data slot

placeholder for dynamic content

Dynamic Content:
[Rebate] with rebate text
[Coupon] with coupon text

ContactSource: campingform: [losgatos_camping]
Request dynamic content: Slot: [lg1] ; Default content: [Coupon]
Form field value: limit to forms: [losgatos_camping]; Field [I’m resident] [equals] [Los Gatos]
Push dynamic content: select dynamic content [rebate]

upon form submit in I see new contact in contacts and after redirection on second landing page with dynamic content data slot I only see placeholder text from landing page. (edited)

Thanks dimas,
I’m planning to test in 2.7 to see if it worked in that version.
Also planning to test 2.9.2 version as well.
Will let you know my findings.

Seems like Dynamic Email content and Dynamic Landing page content are two entirely different things.
Email does seem to work.
Dedicated Dynamic Content on landing pages does not work for me running as campaign like the docs illustrate.
I agree, this has nearly made my head explode until I reached this point we’re at now — solve it on the forums.
I hope we can get this resolved.

Not sure if it makes any difference whatsoever, but maybe try entering the number 1 in your data-slot-container?

<div data-slot-container="1">

Had a similar issue with version 12.1 and could solve that by enabling CORS in my .htaccess file in the root of Wordpress install. Just realized that you need CORS enabled on both ends, not only in Mautic config. Maybe its a similar issue and worth a try.

I dont know maybe is time for a docu update? Documentation for this and other issues on mautic.org is so outdated, at least 6 years old.

Anyway couldn’t find anything on third-party dynamic content besides one line of code.

<div data-slot="dwc" data-param-slot-name="??????????">
  <h1>Dynamic web content for myslot</h1>

The main issue is there is no slot name available on mautic 3.3.3 which is the version I’m at.
Secondly, I need to serve images according to locations.
So in the first slot I’ve one image and the second another one.
Ive created a campaign with a location segment, so according to user location they should see
the different images, I still need to test this though.
Has anyeone ever tried something like this?

Slot name is available, if you turn off campaign based setting:
When you do it, then the filters tab will be also visible.

You can serve the images in the slots according to your location. Make sure you set the right filter.

And every time you test the landing page in question, make sure you do it from a browser (BROWSER, NOT A BROWSER TAB, BUT A DIFFERENT BROWSER) where you don’T have the Mautic admin cookie. In other words, you never logged in into Mautic from that browser.

Admins don’t see ANY dynamic content in Mautic.

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@joeyk Thank you so much for sharing this.

Just did set the slot name and the filter to “xxxx” which is the location for my first slot image.
I’ve uploaded the image within the dynamic content editor.
It is not clear to me how can I provide location-based content without a campaign?

Also, how do we load the dynamic content into wordpress?
Is there a shortcode? Iframe/js something?
(I already have forms and everything else connected using WP/mautic plugin.)

See the filters tab? Use it for creating geotargeting:

I use WP Mautic, it has shortcodes I believe:

(See dynamic content)

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@joeyk thank you for sharing this, I did create those “state” filters for two different locations, set it up as you suggested, also tried another filter for “country” just in case. The shortcode does not seem to work though.
I’ve tested it on a different browser.

Maybe I’m missing something?

Please check in developer tools when the page with the mautic shortcodes for dynamic content loads. It may be that the shortcodes are not firing.

Thank you for following up. One thing is sure I can only see the error message:

“Default content to display in case of error or unknown contact”

Any suggestions? What could be the issue?