Multiple reminder emails

I’m having a problem with sending reminder emails. I can’t find the solution here on the forum.
My problem: After a form is submitted the contact receives a confirmation email. When they open the confirmation email they receive a second email. When they don’t open the mail they should receive a reminder after 3 days, after 7 days (when they still didn’t open the confirmation email) and after 14 days.

My problem is that all the 3 emails are sent anyway, even when the confirmation mail is opened.

@klaasvna Your campaign is written incorrectly to accomplish that. Right now it is written to send as a sequence 3-7-14 day interval. You have to add the opened email action to every email in order to check if they opened before sending the next reminder. Upon opening you can send them to the opened email conditions on the left side of your campaign.

@EJL Like this?

Forgive the messy look as this was thrown together.

Thank you for your reply @EJL ! I understand you campaign, but I run into the problem that I can’t connect the other ‘Opened E-mail’ plus signs to the “Do whatever” action? It seems that I can only connect one line??

then you must not worry with that part. You can adopt your logic of creating the steps after email opening for every reminder. I may be using a different version of mautic that allows that feature that your current install does not. That is not the part we were trying to correct.

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what version of Mautic are you running ?

@mikew: I’m running v2.16.3

I do not think one to multiple is suppported in 2.16.x. I would upgrade to 3.x if you can

I guess so. But I can select an action that’s called “Go to event” which does the same.